- Consulta de osteopatía para bebés, mujeres embarazadas y despues del parto.
- Clases individuales de ejercicios de estiramientos, con un diagnostico osteopático anterior.
- Clases individuales de masajes a bebés.
Llámame si necesitas más información sobre la terapéutica. Tel: 620-771-588. Pide cita conmigo
aquí. Speaking French, English and Spanish.
List of functional problems that could be really helped with osteopathy:
- backaches, pelvic pains, sciatica, position of the baby in the uterus
- nausea,vomitting, indegestion, heartburns, constipation, frequent need of urinate
- tension and stresses, fatigue.
- just before birth/ 38 weeks: helps to improve the mobility of the pelvis for a easier birth
I can come to help in case a labour stops, in case there is a rupture of the amiotic sac and no contractions...
- backpain, pelvic, shoulder and other residual pains due to labour/difficult birth
- pelvic
muscles strain,advices on different types of
- difficulties in breastfeeding
- advices on positions (during breastfeeding/ for the baby...)
- helps
prevent post natal depression and helps when post natal depression is
there by aliviating body tension and working on feedback with central
nervous system.
FOR BABIES: Considerable force comes from the contracting
uterus as the baby passes down the birth canal, babies cranial bones have to
overlap and, in 80% of case this moulding process leads to lesions
between the cranial plates, this is often even worse in long births,
traumatic births, malpositions, ventouse or forceps births. In the
long run this can cause, to some babies, different problems such as:
- unconslable crying, nervous, difficult baby
- difficulities breast feeding
- aerophagia,coliques
- regugitations
- visible distortion of cranium, always lies on the same side...
I use different types of techniques but most of the time those techinques
are really soft and always respectfull.I incorporate some acupressure
point in chinese medecine and techniques of massage to the classical
cranial treatements. I am an osteopath, I graduated from the European School of Osteopathy in Maidstone (England). Since then I have been training and
working only in the pediatric and obstetric field of osteopathy. I
first worked in the Osteopathic Centre for Children (the only educational body in Europe offering a Master in Peadiatric Osteopathy) in London. Then went back to Belgium, my home country to work, in a natural birth practice with different therapists: midwives, yoga for pregnant women, prenatal singing, psychotherapists, masagists. Now I moved to beautiful Madrid and I'm eager to continue developping this
amazing tool that is Osteopathy.
You can book an appointment with me
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